Field trial of primary years assessment in the Philippines
ACER news 28 Nov 2017 3 minute readACER Research Fellow Jacqueline Cheng was in the Philippines to observe field trials of test administration of the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM), as well as to meet with Philippines Department of Education staff serving as national quality control monitors to understand their experiences of the field trial.
ACER Research Fellow Jacqueline Cheng was in the Philippines to observe field trials of test administration of the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM), as well as to meet with Philippines Department of Education staff serving as national quality control monitors to understand their experiences of the field trial.
A total of 36 school principals, 72 teachers, and 1932 students and their parents were involved in completing the assessment or questionnaires, across six divisions in the Philippines. Test administrators (teachers and school principals), observers from the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization and UNICEF documented the process.
The documentation will contribute to the improvement of processes for the main survey and identify capacity building needs for international assessment implementation in the Philippines.
To learn more about SEA-PLM, visit the SEA-PLM website.