ACER Senior Research Fellow appointed AISC Industry Expert
ACER news 21 Jun 2017 3 minute readACER Senior Research Fellow David Tout has been appointed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC).
ACER Senior Research Fellow David Tout has been appointed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) as one of the two Industry Experts on the national Education Industry Reference Committee (IRC).
The AISC was established by the Council of Australian Governments in 2015 to give industry a formal, expanded role in policy direction and decision-making for the vocational education and training sector. The IRCs drive the process of reviewing and revising the oversight and administration of national training package qualifications for VET in Australia.
The Education IRC has responsibility for national training package qualifications relevant to Training and Education, and Foundation Skills. Mr Tout is widely recognised as one of the most authoritative voices in the field of adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy in Australia and is well placed to make a substantial contribution to the work of the Education IRC.
Visit the AISC Education IRC website for more information.