ACER Deputy CEO wins international research award
ACER news 29 Mar 2019 3 minute readA research paper about Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) co-authored by ACER Deputy CEO Ralph Saubern has received a prestigious award at the 2019 Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE) conference in Las Vegas.
A research paper about Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) co-authored by ACER Deputy CEO Ralph Saubern has received a prestigious award at the 2019 Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE) conference in Las Vegas.
The paper, titled ‘A construct map for TPACK: developing an empirically derived description of increasing TPACK proficiency’, was selected by the SITE Conference TPACK Special Interest Group Award Committee to receive the Ann Thompson Excellence in Research Award.
Co-authored by Ralph Saubern, Daniel Urbach, Prof Matt Koehler, and Dr Mike Phillips, the paper uses Rasch analysis to develop an empirically derived description of increasing proficiency in teachers’ knowledge of how to integrate technology effectively in teaching and learning. This can support the development of more effective teacher pre- and in-service education.
Pictured above (L to R): Associate Professor Yi Jin, Co-chair TPACK SIG; Prof Ann Thompson; Prof Matt Koehler; Dr Mike Phillips; Ralph Saubern; Associate Professor Teresa Foulger, Co-chair TPACK SIG.