

The Secondary Placement Test (SPT) offers three distinct assessments, Verbal reasoning, Quantitative reasoning and Abstract reasoning, with an optional fourth writing component.  As a reasoning rather than an achievement test the data generated reflects innate ability as opposed to the variable teaching/learning experience of the individual.

The SPT Transition Test measures an individual student's ability at the point of transition from primary to secondary. The assessments are scaled allowing all students to present 'on a level playing field', which allows teachers to more accurately target their teaching to each individual student. This is important when students come from a range of feeder primary schools.

The SPT administered in Years 8 or 9 provides an indication of progress over time. SPT may be used in conjunction with achievement tests such as class tests, NAPLAN and Progressive Achievement Tests to identify over-achievers and under-achievers. These students can be followed up and placed in enrichment classes or provided with extra assistance. The detailed response reports provided to schools allow teachers to better tailor their teaching to individual needs.

SPT administered at Year 10 continues to monitor student progress over time and supports individual students in the subject selection process into Years 11 and 12.  


  • SPT tests measure ability rather than achievement
  • SPT items are skills based rather than curriculum based
  • SPT assesses a range of general reasoning skills appropriate to typical curricula at upper primary and secondary school level


  • Time of the year the test is conducted is a school decision
  • Scoring and reporting is provided by ACER
  • SPT can assess student performance within a year level
  • SPT allows progress to be monitored over time

Test level information

Test level Number of questions
(Verbal and Quantitative)
Time Number of questions
(Abstract Reasoning)
Time Target level


Years 6-7

50 60 mins 40 40 mins Transition primary to secondary


Years 8-9

68 1 hr 30 mins 40 40 mins Lower secondary


Year 10

68 1 hr 30 mins 40 40 mins Middle secondary