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Monitoring Australia’s
effectiveness in preparing
students for the future

PISA 2022 involved


Students worldwide

Australian students

Australian schools

Conducted every 3 years since 2000, PISA assesses 15-year-old students’ ability to apply their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to solve real-life problems and participate fully in society.

PISA examines the extent to which education systems are preparing students to meet life’s challenges – to analyse, reason and communicate ideas effectively, continue learning throughout life, and become tomorrow’s workers.

An image of the PISA 2022 report.

Key findings

Look at the key findings from the 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment.

See the results

PISA in Brief 2022

Student performance and equity in education

Released 5 December 2023

Download report

PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results

Volume I: Student performance and equity in education

Released 5 December 2023

Download report

PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results

Volume II: School and student characteristics

Released 21 May 2024

Download report

PISA 2022. Assessing creative thinking for a better future

Report due for release October 2024

PISA 2022. A closer look at mathematics

Report due for release February 2025

View the full Australian reports and data files for all cycles of PISA.

PISA in Australia

PISA is part of Australia’s National Assessment Program (NAP). A nationally representative sample of 15-year-old students from all Australian states and territories and from all school systems complete the PISA assessment.

The schools and students that participate in PISA provide valuable insights to help continually improve Australia’s education system – ensuring we strive for ongoing progress in equity and learning outcomes for all future students.

Five students standing together and smiling.
Four students standing together and smiling.

Measuring quality and equity

PISA helps governments to better understand and enhance the effectiveness of their national and
 state-based educational systems and to learn from other countries’ practices.

It seeks to answer questions such as ‘Are our schools adequately preparing young people for the challenges of adult life?’, ‘Are some kinds of teaching and schools more effective than others?’ and ‘Can schools contribute to improving the futures of students from immigrant or disadvantaged backgrounds?’

The international assessment

PISA is an initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is developed and implemented under the responsibility of education ministries through PISA’s decision-making body, the PISA Governing Board.

For each PISA cycle, the OECD appoints international contractors to lead the design and implementation of the surveys. The Australian Council for Educational Research held this contract for the first 5 cycles of PISA (2000 – 2012), and is again leading the international consortium for the design and implementation of PISA 2025.

Visit the OECD website for more info
Three students together, two on a tablet and one on a mobile phone.



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