What TIMSS 2019 tells us about Australian students’ school preparedness
ACER news 16 Jun 2021 3 minute readIn a new video infographic based on data from the most recent Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), we delve deeper into the skills with which Australian students enter primary school, and a possible link with Year 4 maths performance.
TIMSS 2019 results published in December 2020 revealed Australia's poorer performance in Year 4 maths compared with other countries. A closer look at the context of those results was published in May 2021, and it pointed to a potential cause: Australian students are starting primary school with lower literacy and numeracy skills than their global peers.
This video explains more.
Find links to full reports, infographics, media releases and more about TIMSS – managed in Australia by ACER – at our website: www.acer.org/timss