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Subscribe to our specialist databases

Australian Education Index – AEI
Over 221,000 entries relating to educational research, policy and practice published in Australia, and about Australian education published overseas. Coverage includes books, articles, conference papers, theses and reports, predominantly since 1978 but with entries from as early as the 1920s. Included are links to over 62,000 full-text publications.

A+ Education via Informit
An indexing and full-text database that provides access to the scanned images of journal articles from published material on all aspects of education. A+ Education is based on ACER’s Australian Education Index (AEI). There are over 245 comprehensively or selectively indexed journals for which the full-text articles are available. In total, there are links to more than 90,000 full-text documents such as reports, conference papers and journals from the database. For subscription information see the Informit website.

Australian Education Research Theses Database
AERT is a subscription database consisting of doctoral and masters research theses accepted by Australian universities in the field of education. More than 18,000 theses are listed dating back to 1919. Nearly 6,000 theses are available online. Also included are some education theses from overseas universities on Australian education topics.