An online tool that allows users to study and explore learning progressions. A learning progression is a continuum that maps key stages of development within a learning domain such as reading and mathematics. It describes what it typically looks like for learners to move from early to more advanced knowledge, skills and understandings.
Developed with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), this toolkit helps policymakers gather and analyse information about their learning assessment systems. The toolkit supports the implementation process and guides the analysis, enabling any country to adapt the tools to best fit their national context.
The Assessments for Minimum Proficiency Levels (AMPL) are tools developed to measure learning outcomes against SDG 4.1.1b: the proportion of children and young people at the end of primary school who are achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading and mathematics, by sex. AMPL tests are aligned with the Global Proficiency Framework and can be used on an ongoing basis to measure learning progress.
The Principles of Good Practice in Learning Assessment articulate good practices accommodating the diversity of large-scale assessments around the world. The principles provide a conceptual framework for evaluating the quality of large-scale assessments and enables countries to investigate their capacity to develop, implement and use data from large-scale assessments. The principles form part of the UIS’ resources for countries to report progress towards SDG 4.
This table summarises and compares international and regional large-scale assessments that have been reviewed by the GEM Centre so that education policymakers can understand and identify appropriate assessments for their education systems. For each assessment, a PDF summary pamphlet can be downloaded.
This tool supports education policymakers to identify policy considerations and issues that are of concern to their education system across the preparedness, response and recovery phases of emergency management. Based on this information, education policymakers can prioritise their activities to build resilient education systems.
This tool assists education policymakers to understand where evidence on disability-inclusive teacher in-service professional development is strong and where more evidence is needed. The interventions reviewed support disability-inclusive education from the early years to Year 12 in low- and middle-income countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Studies included have information on disability inclusion and show teacher or student outcomes.
This resource kit has been developed to assist policymakers and educators to improve the quality of education for students with a disability. Stakeholders can use the existing resources to support the implementation of inclusive education policies.
This tool displays where there are gaps in research on early childhood education and care in lower- and middle-income countries. At a glance, users can see the available evidence when planning interventions, and the areas that require further research. Studies included cover interventions between 1998 and 2017, that actively sought to improve children’s learning before the commencement of formal schooling.
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