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A flexible and reliable
assessment tool designed
for international schools


Reading Adaptive

Assess reading literacy and understanding across 4 strands using test content personalised to each student.

Mathematics Adaptive

Assess mathematical literacy and understanding across 4 strands using test content personalised to each student.

English (fixed level)

Assess English comprehension and measure growth from Grades 1 to 10. An alternate Reading Adaptive assessment is also available.

Mathematics (fixed level)

Assess mathematical ability and measure growth from Grades 1 to 10. Also available as an innovative adaptive assessment.

Track student progress 

throughout the year

You can administer PAIS assessments to suit your school’s calendar, with on-demand testing that can be conducted multiple times during the academic year.

Learn more about the Progressive Achievement approach

A reliable assessment informed by extensive research

PAIS is based on international assessment frameworks that ACER has developed over the last 15 years. The PAIS framework draws on content and skills taught across curricula from several countries and in international schools, but which is not specific to any national curriculum. This international focus ensures that the tests are culturally and educationally appropriate for students in different countries. Additionally, through ACER’s research, all PAIS test content has been trialled in international schools.

Secure, flexible assessments to suit your schedule

ACER’s sophisticated online platform helps you spend less time on administration and planning, and more time making the most of the insights from effective assessments.


assessments per year

Reliable, efficient delivery through a tested online platform


candidates per week

Delivering online assessment excellence since 2011


countries worldwide

Trusted by thousands of schools and systems around the world


Online assessments and reporting

Option 1

12-month licence

*All prices shown in $AUD

Licence terms and notes

Assessment price

Select school size for price
Select school size for price
Select school size for price

Option 2

Individual student cost for online assessment

Per student administration

Must be pre‑purchased

Contact us to find out how PAIS can improve your teaching and learning

One of our friendly staff members will contact you to discuss how PAIS can help you.

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