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Identify student needs,
target teaching,
monitor learning growth.



Using data to understand where students are in their learning

Supporting the next steps

Informing teaching and learning through:

  • setting personal stretch targets
  • development of teachers’ capabilities
  • the use of learning resources.

Tracking progress

Monitoring growth of student achievement over time

Helping every student
demonstrate learning progress

The Progressive Achievement approach makes learning growth visible. Students who achieve the same letter grade (e.g. 'C') each year may not appear to be progressing. However, by monitoring their growth through scale scores and achievement bands, you can see quantitative and qualitative evidence of their progress over time.

Excellent progress becomes the expectation of every student.

Scales: a powerful way to describe learning progress

  • Progressive Achievement scales detail the skills, knowledge and understanding typical at various points in the learning process in a domain – a roadmap for describing and measuring student progress.
  • ACER has mapped scales for learning progression in several domains, including reading and mathematics.

ACER’s Progressive Achievement approach uses evidence from cutting-edge research to inform world-class student assessments, teaching resources and professional learning.

Join thousands of educators using the Progressive Achievement approach to target teaching and improve learning.

Contact us to find out how PAIS can improve your teaching and learning

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