ACE awards prestigious honour to Australia’s educators
ACER news 6 Jan 2021 2 minute readThe Australian College of Educators (ACE) has awarded its 2020 College Medal to all Australian educators, in recognition of their extraordinary work to meet the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Traditionally the honour is given to a single educator who has made an outstanding contribution to Australian education that year. Previous College Medallists include Dr Michele Bruniges AM, ACER Chief Executive Professor Geoff Masters AO FACE and Mr Anthony Mackay AM FACE.
In 2020, the judging panel ruled that exceptional circumstances demanded an exceptional decision.
‘The College Medal recognises outstanding work in any field, level or sector of Australian education,’ said ACE managing director Helen Jentz. ‘Our panel considered many remarkable nominees for this year’s Medal, but the ACE Board has made an unprecedented decision in an extraordinary year to acknowledge the hard work of all educators in 2020.’
Education was hit hard by restrictions introduced in response to the pandemic, with many schools and universities closed for long periods and educators forced to adapt rapidly to meet changed teaching conditions.
‘Education has at times been seen to be slow to evolve and adapt, but 2020 has truly shown just how progressive, innovative and incredibly resilient teachers are,’ ACE National President Dr Phil Lambert said. ‘The College Medal recognises the continued commitment to excellence under challenging circumstances demonstrated by all of Australia’s teachers.’
2009 Medallist Professor Masters, said: ‘The past year has required an exceptional response from every educator and has brought a new level of public respect for the work of teachers everywhere.’
Mr Mackay, 2006 Medallist, applauded the decision.
‘2020 shone a bright light on the education profession to reveal teachers’ passion for, and deep commitment to, their students and their craft,’ he said.
Established in 1959, ACE is Australia’s longest serving, most prestigious professional body for all education professionals and has a network of around 20,000 educators around the country. For more information: www.austcolled.com.au.