Australian College of Educators set to launch in India
ACER news 1 Nov 2021 4 minute readThe founding members of the Australian College of Educators (India) met to plan the launch of the College.
The Australian Council for Educational Research, in conjunction with the Australian College of Educators (ACE), has announced the establishment of the Indian branch of ACE. Founded in 1959, ACE is the longest serving professional body for educators in Australia.
The Indian branch of the Australian College of Educators, a professional association for all educators from all sectors, systems, and levels, aims to support the individual and collective success of those interested in advancing education in India.
Membership gives educators access to international and local educational resources, events, and tools that support the highest level of professional success. Members are selected through a criteria-based application process.
Dr Phil Lambert PSM FACE, ACE President and Chair, applauded the Branch’s establishment.
‘This is an exciting initiative for the College,’ Dr Lambert said. ‘The interest and commitment shown by such an eminent group of educators as the founding members of ACE India is inspiring and I am looking forward to working with them to drive the College’s success.’
Ms Lila Mularczyk OAM FACE, ACE Vice-President and Deputy Chair, said that education is the foundation of all countries, with the capacity to elevate and empower generations.
‘At the heart of every country’s education system are educators, teachers who work tirelessly to ensure the best possible education outcomes for their students,’ Ms Mularczyk said. ‘The collaborative power of education is central to the work we, at the Australian College of Educators do.
‘By working collaboratively with educators from across India and Australia the College continues its focus on advancing education for the individual and collective success of all educators.’
‘The India launch of the first international branch of the Australian College of Educators will provide a valuable opportunity to educators here to join a forum that prioritises and supports professional development at all levels, in partnership with a well-established institution from Australia,’ Amit Kaushik, CEO, ACER India, said.
‘Distinguished educators in India have kindly agreed to work with the chapter to develop an action plan aligned to our local context and the global ACE India strategic framework, to arrange various professional development activities and initiatives that help enhance professional and career opportunities for members.’
The founding members of the ACE India committee are:
- Dr Ashok Pandey, Director, Ahlcon International School
- Professor (retd) Bharati Baveja, formerly of the University of Delhi
- Professor Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, Chair, Education and International Development, University College London & President, City Montessori School, India
- Professor (retd) Rama Mathew, formerly of the University of Delhi
- Professor Sugra Chunawala, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Lieutenant General (retd) Surendra Kulkarni, Director, Mayo College, Ajmer
- Professor Emerita Venita Kaul, Ambedkar University (Delhi)
The first ACE India committee meeting was recently held to discuss the nominations of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the committee, ACE India strategic framework, and policies and procedures.
To know more about the launch of ACE India and membership, write to: india@austcolled.com.au.