GAMSAT exam to move online
Media release 24 Mar 2020 2 minute readMEDIA RELEASE
24 March 2020: The Graduate Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT) examination planned for 21 March will instead be run as an online exam at the end of May.
Candidates that have registered for the March examination have been contacted with full details of the new arrangements and timeframes. This information has also been posted on the GAMSAT website.
“Whilst the move online does mean that the examination will be held slightly later in the year, we are working hard to ensure that any impact on the timeframes for interviews and offers is minimised”, said Ralph Saubern Deputy CEO, Professional Resources, ACER.
Further details regarding any changes to Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System (GEMSAS) application processes and deadlines will be made available on the GEMSAS website: https://www.gemsas.edu.au/
Applicants with any queries regarding the GAMSAT online sitting are encouraged to visit the GAMSAT website for all up-to-date information. https://gamsat.acer.org/
Media enquiries:
ACER: Emma Noble, 0419 340 058, communications@acer.org
GAMSAT Consortium: Helen Craig, 02 8084 6557, hcraig@medicaldeans.org.au