Improving confidence in expert judgements in medical specialty examinations
Research 22 May 2018 4 minute readACER is helping to set performance standards and improve examiner consistency in examinations for medical specialty colleges, report Daniel Urbach and Jacob Pearce.
Medical specialisation is a notoriously high-stakes process, with candidates undergoing a series of stringent examinations for which they prepare for many years in order to achieve certification to work independently as a specialist.
The expert judgement of fellows within specialist colleges plays a significant role in determining a candidate’s success or failure and, like any qualitative ruling, can be subject to criticism – justified or not. Legal challenges brought by disappointed candidates questioning the reliability, consistency or bias of professional judgements can sometimes result.
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is working with medical colleges to put best-practice assessment processes in place, allowing for recognition of the crucial role played by expert opinion while minimising potential inconsistencies and biases that could give candidates cause to question a result. These practices include double marking procedures, implementing standard setting methods and moderation techniques, and examiner training and calibration exercises.
ACER has been working with several colleges, including the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR), the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD) and the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM). While the specifics of the work for each college can vary, the aim of the work is consistent: to ensure that examinations and assessment processes are reliable, valid, of high quality and as efficient as practical. These goals are typically achieved by focussing on issues of fairness, consistency, transparency and, ultimately, defensibility.
ACER test developers and psychometricians have been working for several years to improve assessment quality and data collection processes through reviews of assessment programs and by designing fit-for-purpose assessment, as previously reported in [rd]. More recently, ACER has also implemented robust, standard-setting methodologies in a variety of examinations, allowing for the desired performance standard to be expressed as a ‘cut score’ in a particular exam series.
Reviewing standards in collaborative expert panels greatly improves the defensibility of both the examination process and candidates’ results and reporting these standard setting outcomes to candidates improves examination transparency and puts candidates at ease. ACER also employs psychometric equating techniques where possible to help account for differences in examination difficulty and maintain standards over time.
An emerging area of ACER’s work with medical specialty colleges is in examiner calibration. High-stakes examinations of highly complex learning routinely rely on professionals with content expertise to judge candidate performance. However, candidates need to be able to trust that processes are fair and that their assessment will not be compromised by examiner bias. Examiner conduct and examiner calibration modules that aim to ensure that examiners are making analytic and holistic judgements regarding candidate performance consistently and correctly are currently being developed for the RANZCR Clinical Radiology oral examinations.
Working with specialist medical colleges to improve testing standards builds on ACER’s past work with the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand and members of the UK’s Medical Schools Council – Assessment Alliance to implement common assessments across medical schools.
To inquire about ACER’s capabilities in this area, please contact our experts in medical specialty assessment below.