ACER-led international study results released
ACER news 8 Nov 2017 3 minute readThe IEA today released results from the ACER-led 2016 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study.
The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) today released results from the 2016 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), which reports on how well students in 24 participating countries are being prepared to undertake their role in society as responsible citizens.
Led by International Study Director, ACER's Dr Wolfram Schulz, for the IEA in cooperation with Laboratorio Pedagogia Sperimentale at the Roma Tre University and IEA Hamburg, ICCS 2016 collected data from about 94 000 lower secondary students and 37 000 teachers in 3800 schools from 24 countries. The results from ICCS will support policymakers, educators and education researchers in meeting the educational needs of citizens and society.
ACER Research Developments has published a summary of the results. The full report, Becoming Citizens in a Changing World: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 international report, by Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti and Tim Friedman, is available at https://www.iea.nl/studies/iea/iccs