ACER India selected for third party assessment of students in government schools in Madhya Pradesh
ACER news 11 Oct 2023 3 minute readACER India signed a contract with the Madhya Pradesh Government to develop and operationalise a system for assessing students in schools participating in the state’s School Certification Programme.
The assessments will be administered to more than 600,000 students in grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 across 2,000 schools that meet the qualifying criteria for certification.
The Rajya Shiksha Kendra (RSK) of the School Education Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, is introducing a School Certification Programme to evaluate schools using a pre-defined set of parameters in accordance with overall grade-level learning outcomes. Schools are expected to nominate themselves for certification when they are ready, as gold, silver, or bronze schools based on their performance. Key criteria for nomination include board examination results, maintenance and use of structured lesson plans by teachers, teacher attendance, and student attendance.
ACER will be responsible for preparing a blueprint for designing and administering assessments to students in grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 in 2,000 schools that meet the qualifying criteria for certification. Approximately 600,000 students will be assessed over a period of 3 years.
ACER India has previously worked with the RSK in streamlining the state assessment process during 2016-17.
Amit Kaushik, CEO, ACER India, welcomed the opportunity to collaborate once again with the Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Madhya Pradesh.
‘We are delighted to partner with the Madhya Pradesh Government to provide third party assessments of students in qualifying schools. Having worked with RSK to strengthen capacities of officials undertaking learning assessments earlier, we are delighted that the government has chosen to collaborate with ACER India again. The project is in line with ACER’s mission to improve learning through evidence-based strategies.’