Bringing 26 letters and 44 sounds together to read English well
Research 1 Aug 2024 4 minute readA suite of resources is now available showing the evidence behind how readers learn to decode words using letters (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes).
Unpacking the science of reading, by ACER researchers Dr Kellie Picker and Greta Rollo, explores the skills involved in learning to read – and how to teach them.
In a 3-part series for Teacher Magazine, the researchers discuss their review of the research behind the resource.
‘The science of reading is generally used as a catch-all expression for … research that helps teachers understand what students need to be taught to become effective readers,’ they say.
‘It is a multi-disciplinary body of research and knowledge from education, linguistics, cognitive psychology, special education and neuroscience.’
In the first article, Dr Picker and Ms Rollo give an overview of the 6 components of the science of reading:
- oral language
- vocabulary
- reading comprehension
- phonemic awareness
- phonics
- fluency.
The second article explains phonemic awareness, phonics and fluency in greater detail. Known as ‘constrained skills’, these 3 components of the science of reading are largely mastered by the time a student starts reading independently.
The third article explores oral language, vocabulary and reading comprehension – skills that are described as ‘unconstrained’ because they continue to develop over a lifetime.
Across the series, Dr Picker and Ms Rollo describe the best ways of teaching the components of the science of reading – known as the Big 6 – to empower educators and learners.
Their drive to clarify the process of learning to read well is summed up in the online resource.
‘The ability to read well enables anyone to learn and exchange knowledge, which contributes to a more fulfilling life, and better communities, workplaces and global citizenship,’ the authors say.‘Reading (also) opens windows into compelling narrative worlds, imaginative experiences and inspires creativity.'
Learn more
View the online resource: Unpacking the science of reading
Read the research review
Read the full articles in Teacher Magazine:
Unpacking the science of reading: what the research says
Unpacking the science of reading: teaching the constrained skills
Unpacking the science of reading: teaching the unconstrained skills