ACER Press turns 21
ACER news 10 Aug 2018 4 minute readACER Press, the Australian Council for Educational Research’s publishing arm and publisher of choice for educational leaders in Australia and beyond, marks its 21st birthday in 2018.
To celebrate 21 years of publishing excellence, ACER Press has an exciting program planned – including a curated collection of essays by ACER Chief Executive Professor Geoff Masters AO – and is seeking submissions from leaders in education keen to join its ranks.
In August, ACER Press publishes two important titles. The Alignment Premium: Benchmarking Australia’s student achievement, professional autonomy and system adaptivity by The University of Melbourne Professor Emeritus Brian J. Caldwell proposes a revolutionary new narrative for Australian schools. ‘I’m the Principal’: Principal learning, action, influence and identity by Emeritus Professor Stephen Dinham OAM, Kerry Elliott, Louisa Rennie and Dr Helen Stokes draws on findings from the nationwide ‘I’m the Principal’ project to paint a compelling picture of what it means to be a school leader in Australia today.
September brings Reconceptualising Maths and Science Teaching and Learning, edited by Stephen Dinham, Russell Tytler, Deborah Corrigan and David Hoxley, and a collection of essays on Australian education, A Commitment to Growth: Essays on Education by Professor Masters.
Throughout its 21 years, ACER Press has published an array of distinguished writers and academics, such as Professor Peter Freebody, Professor Erica Frydenberg and Professor Margaret Robertson. Every title published by ACER Press aims to make a real difference by bringing the latest research and evidence to practitioners, says Publisher Kate McGough.
‘Our focus is to maintain a high-quality publishing program that brings research into practice,’ Ms McGough says. ‘In an era in which most academic presses have struggled and many have closed down, ACER Press continues to find a ready and interested audience among teachers, school leaders, teacher educators, policymakers and systems managers – and to make a real difference to educational practice and policy.
‘We’re proud to publish the work of respected experts such as Bill Lucas, Guy Claxton, Ellen Spencer, Mal Lee and Michael Gaffney.’
ACER Deputy CEO (Professional Resources) Ralph Saubern says ACER Press has a key role to play in advancing the organisation’s broader goals.
‘ACER’s mission is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning,’ Mr Saubern says. ‘ACER Press is an important way in which we do that, bringing the best of educational research into reach for those who make decisions every day in classrooms, schools, universities and education systems.
‘Ultimately, ACER Press has been successful because researchers and practitioners alike understand our mission and trust in our integrity, values and commitment to evidence-based practice.’
ACER Press is expanding its publishing program and looking for more educational leaders to share their research with its ready audience. If you are interested in finding out more, you can meet Publisher Kate McGough at Research Conference 2018 in Sydney, 12–13 August, or make an appointment to discuss your research.
‘We’re always looking for new authors, new opportunities to promote good research and show how evidence-based practice can lead to improved outcomes for learners, schools and systems,’ Ms McGough says. ‘ACER Press sees itself as a partner, working with researchers and practitioners to maximise the impact of research in practice.’
Emeritus Professor Stephen Dinham and Secretary of the NSW Department of Education Mark Scott AO will discuss ‘I’m the Principal’ at Research Conference 2018 on 12 August.