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Assessment Leader Program

Based on the latest international research and with a focus on day-to-day practice, the 11-module program views learning progress as long-term process. Designed by ACER’s assessment and learning experts, it will build deep knowledge about how to identify the stages students have reached in their learning, identify next steps, and monitor and communicate progress over time. The program is delivered in a small-group, hybrid learning environment and consists of 4 units divided into 11 modules. Each module is designed so that you can immediately apply your learning in your workplace.

Unit 1 Foundations of educational assessment

Module 1 Critical perspectives on assessment

Focuses on the purpose, theory and practice of educational assessment.

Module 2 Learning progressions

Focuses on learning progressions and the nature of learning progress over time.

Unit 2 Assessment methods and design

Module 3 Methods and foundations of robust assessment

Focuses on the foundations of designing robust assessment that can be used to monitor learning progress and inform teaching and learning.

Module 4 Designing tests

Focuses on assessment methods that are typically used in quizzes, tests and exams. You will learn about item writing, test design and development processes, including planning, writing, panelling and administrating the assessment to learners.

Module 5 Designing judgement-based assessment

Focuses on examining assessment methods that require sophisticated levels of judgement by the assessor, and are therefore prone to subjectivity, such as performance, portfolio and project-based assessment.

Unit 3 Analysing and interpreting assessment evidence

Module 6 Analysing assessment data

Focuses on the preparation and analysis of assessment data to enable accurate and meaningful
interpretations about learning progress.

Module 7 Interpreting learning progress and monitoring growth

Focuses on making valid and consistent inferences about learning that are informed by your context.

Module 8 Making accurate interpretations of learning

Focuses on minimising bias when interpreting learning progress.

Unit 4 Using assessment to promote learning

Module 9 Using assessment evidence for differentiated learning and teaching

Focuses on how assessment evidence can be used to inform and modify learning and teaching for diverse learning needs.

Module 10 Developing lifelong learning skills through assessment

Focuses on using assessment as a tool to promote the development of lifelong learning skills.

Module 11 Communicating evidence of learning

Focuses on ways in which assessment evidence is used to communicate learning progress to stakeholders.

Pricing and course availability

Each module costs
$600 per person + GST
based on a minimum group size of 25 attendees.

The course can be taken module by module, or unit by unit or it can be taken as a whole - its structure is flexible.

  • The complete course takes 11 months.
  • Modules are grouped by units; each module takes 1 month.
  • Unit 1 and Unit 2 must be completed before other units can be undertaken.
  • Modules are available on-demand.

Register your interest in the Assessment Leader Program

The Assessment Leader Program requires a minimum of 25 participants to run. Once registrations of interest reach 25 the registrants will be notified of the program scheduling.

Groups of 25 or greater can be accommodated for schools and systems. Complete the form below and a member of the Assessment Leader Program will be touch to discuss pricing and arrangements.

For more information about pricing and tailored group sizes contact

Student policies

The policies that govern this course are available to view.